Girl Scouts Workshop with GSWO + Sparkbox

The Sparkbox team is pretty fanatical about educating and empowering people to Build Right. We also love a good challenge.

So, when the opportunity recently came along to teach Girl Scouts ages 12-17 how to build a website from start to finish—in only five hours—we were all over it. We were adamant that we teach them all the key skills that go into building a website, have them build something they could share with friends and family, and to have a lot of fun along the way. Teaching a room full of teens and pre-teens a highly complex task in such a short amount of time required many creative solutions. One of those creative solutions was to lean on Divshot to make deployment simple (just like we do in our workshops).

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After spending an entire day gathering and writing content, designing a layout, and editing the HTML/CSS, we knew it was important for the girls be able to access it on the web. We needed hosting that was quick, reliable, and painless when it was time to publish. We’ve seen far too many workshops fall apart in the past when it came time to publish. This is where Divshot saved the day… again.

For a room full of young people, the command line wasn't going to work. Divshot was perfect, because it didn’t require the girls to learn FTP or the command line. The girls were able to zip up their website, drag-and-drop the file, and deploy their website for production—in minutes. This turned out to be one of the most exciting moments of the day for them, and us, as they realized all of their hard work was actually on the Internet.

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When the girls visited their URLs, the excitement on their faces was unbelievable! They now had a home on the web that they could visit from anywhere in the world. All of their hard work instantly felt infallible. We don’t think we could have given them that true feeling of accomplishment without the help of Divshot.