This Week in Web Tech #6
Each week we post links to design, UX, and browser technology articles to our Twitter feed. Once a week we collect those links into a blog post we like to call This Week in Web Tech.
- This week we launched Divshot Alloy, a web API for CSS preprocessors that can compile SASS, SCSS, LESS, and Stylus in the browser (plus a bookmarklet to do the same!)
- Want responsive navigation? Here's 10 solutions and tutorials to help you out
- Does "the fold" still matter? What about when it comes to responsive design?
- SpritePad is an online tool for creating CSS sprites
- A jQuery plugin that provides a polyfill for "placeholder" attributes
- What if CSS media queries could detect ambient light?
- The official W3C responsive images spec is live
- Firefox 15 was released
- Is it time for an 11th principle of good design?
- A plugin for inline confirmation with jQuery
- BigScreen is a wrapper for cross-browser fullscreen
- One opinion on why you should sketch on paper before wireframing
- 50 CSS3 Website Designs that might inspire you
- Principles and Features of Effective Web Design
- A guide to picking responsive image breakpoints
- Chirp.js is a lightweight way to embed tweets on your site.
- jsPlumb is a library for Yahoo! Pipes-esque element connections using SVG, Canvas or VML
- BootTheme can help you dynamically generate and preview Bootstrap themes
- Content and design go hand in hand
That's it for this week, if you want even more be sure to follow us on Twitter.