This Week in Web Tech #10
Each week we post links about design and web technology to our Twitter feed. Once a week we round those links up into a blog post we like to call This Week in Web Tech.
Has it been 10 weeks of TWiWT already? How time flies.
- Has responsive design killed Photoshop for web designers?
- From our own blog, some thoughts on mobile-first design, native apps, and the new multi-device reality
- Responsive Images for HTML5
- Fokus: bring attention to certain page elements by fading everything else.
- equalize.js: a jQuery plugin to help make elements the same across specified dimensions
- Brunch: an HTML5 application assembler
- Retina displays can be difficult: Mo' Pixels Mo' Problems
- Adobe launched their own directory of free, easily-embeddable webfonts with Adobe Edge Web Fonts
- Why it's important to understand the DOM and layout structure when designing web apps.
- HorizontalNav: jQuery plugin that stretches a navbar to use all available space
- We're sponsoring the Rails Rumble this year, and registration just opened today!
- A list of six expected web design trends in 2013
- Wait Until Exists may be a faster version of jQuery(document).ready
- The W3C has published a plan to bring HTML5 to recommendation status in 2014
- Is it possible to screenshare a browser tab using HTML5?
- string.js provides some super handy string utilities in Javascript
- Divshot was featured as one of 16 responsive designs that you can learn from on Digital Telepathy
- Here are 5 reasons responsive design is absolutely worth it
- A huge roundup of JS libraries and jQuery plugins
- What is the modern meaning of unobtrusive javascript?
That's it for this week! Remember, to catch these links as they come out, just follow us on Twitter!