Announcing Divshot Docs: Our Open Source Documentation Site

Today we're happy to launch Divshot Docs, the official, open source documentation repository for Divshot.

Divshot Docs Site

We know that our users deserve better than being thrown into the deep end, so we're starting with some introductory guides that walk through the different aspects of the Divshot interface. Over time we will bring out step-by-step tutorials, advanced tips and tricks, and more.

Of course, no one can tell us how to improve our docs better than the people using Divshot which is why the documentation is open source on GitHub. If you come across a typo or want to see something covered that isn't there, just file an issue and we'll take care of it ASAP.

For the technically curious, the docs site is powered by Jekyll and hosted directly on Amazon S3. I'll be writing up an in-depth rundown of our static site stack in the next week or two, so stay tuned!